5 years of blogging

Influence is Bliss: The Gender Divide of Influence on Twitter
August 9, 2010
5 Stages of an Integrated Digital Marketing Life Cycle
August 16, 2010
Influence is Bliss: The Gender Divide of Influence on Twitter
August 9, 2010
5 Stages of an Integrated Digital Marketing Life Cycle
August 16, 2010

Well the blog is officially 5 years old this month..

Over the years I have used this blog to post what i think are the most relevant issues and trends in Web design, development, and promotion.
While most have been reprinted from other blogs and websites I have taken my place as a curator seriously, before there was such a name for it.

So 5 years has flown by…The first few posts were more or less an intro to myself.
I decided around then I would search through blogs and sites for interesting relevant content and repost what i felt was the best i found. Most of my sources today didn’t exist yet in 2005.

Back in January of 2006 I posted
“2006 crystal ball” followed by such posts as “Google conspiracy?”, and “Which search engine…Why?”. Now of course Google is even in the smart phone business. YouTube was just a gleam in the camera users eye and Facebook was just becoming a real platform.

A year later posts like “Key Wording Your Web” and “The cesspool we call the internet” were quite relevant, now of course one might ask “keywords really?”.

In August 2009 I posted “Digital Music Sales Closing In On CDs”, and that was only a year ago.. one of the last posts i did this week “Introducing WordPress 3.0rg ” kinda sums up for me where things have gone.. Expensive websites full of Flash, Graphics, and everything custom, with hours of SEO work to finish them off before launch have given way to CMS systems and plugins, Social Media and Social Networking have become the fourth revolution in technology since the main frame computer.
To be a web developer these days isn’t even the same as it was two or three years ago. Having gone from Netscape Composer, to Macromedia’s tools, to learning PHP/MySQL, the process still took almost a decade.

Now I find myself installing and customizing CMS apps such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal which didn’t even exist then. SEO, again was about learning what was important or needed changing, and was a slow and steady process, now it’s a whole new ballgame, Social Media and Social Networking platforms like Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIn and Twitter have changed everything, it’s not enough to keep up with “the big three” search engines anymore. I have branched into other areas of business such as web hosting and more recently application development.

Thanks to those readers who have followed this blog and many thanks to the writers whose content has appeared here over the years. You have inspired and educated me.

As we say here,