What Will The Internet Look Like In 10 Years?
September 29, 2010Google Chrome Only Browser to Show Measurable Growth This Year
October 1, 2010A well-written article with some great tips.If you’re like me, you don’t just want thousands of followers for the sake of having , well, thousands of followers.
So rather than going that route …
September 30, 2010 | by Amber Naslund
Ah, Twitter. I keep seeing all these people saying, “Yay! 1,000 followers!”. And then I get sad, because I think they’re really missing the point. Connecting with people is great, but don’t you want to connect with people who will enrich your experience overall?
Everyone uses Twitter differently and I get that. But I know what’s worked for me. Much of it hasn’t been deliberate or engineered; it’s just what makes natural sense to me. But in case there’s a tip or two in here, I agreed to post about my thoughts on building community on Twitter. Here’s my take.
1. Start With Twitter Search.
Go to search.twitter.com and type in a word or phrase that represents something you’re interested in. Try something like “I’m reading” to home in on people sharing the books they’re reading. Or how about “foodie” to find other culinary-minded folks? Be creative. Try a bunch of different words. Then follow people who are talking about subjects and areas of interest for you.
Oh, and emphasis on talking; if they’re just dropping links and rarely carry on conversation with anyone, you aren’t going to get much out of the interaction and you’ll end up disappointed.
Go ahead and follow some of the usual suspects if you like, or find “recommended” follows from Twitter, but I’m much more of a fan of finding the like minds than the notable ones. They’re harder to find, but can really be the lifeblood of a great community. Many of my favorite Twitter friends aren’t on the big radar screens (and I hope they never are, lest I have to stand in line to talk to them!).
2. Tweet even if no one’s watching
When people visit your profile page to decide whether or not to connect with you, what you have there gives them some dimension and perspective, even if only a few people are officially “following” you. Oh, and don’t forget to put up an avatar (of your face, please, not a logo, my .02) and fill in the bio stuff. People notice, and it makes you instantly feel and seem like a real human who’s on Twitter to get to know people. That’ll attract like-minded people to give you a chance.
3. Look at other people’s lists.
Once you find a handful of people that you enjoy following, check out their lists. See who they follow. Look on their profile page and see who they’re replying to. Follow a few more people that look interesting, conversational, and engaged. You don’t want to mass-follow hundreds—Twitter will suspect you’re a spam artist—but get started with 20 or 30 and get chatting. Already have a solid following? You need step 4.
4. Jump into conversations that look interesting.
The way Twitter gets good: you have to talk with people. The way to talk with people is to start interacting with them. If there’s an interesting or fun discussion going on, jump in! @ reply someone that you’ve never chatted with before and offer a contribution or a joke. Sometimes you’ll get ignored; that’s part of the deal, I’m afraid. But often times, folks on Twitter are very open, conversational, and eager to meet new people. This is public discourse, not a private chatroom. Consider yourself welcome.
There are tons of Twitter chats that happen regularly; find one in an area that interests you and jump in. They’re fast-moving, but you’ll undoubtedly meet people and make some connections.
By the way, I’d hope it goes without saying, but “jumping in” doesn’t mean “hey, I saw you tweeting about lawnmowers and I wanted you to see my new website! Check it out!”. That’s just irritating. If you don’t recognize that or see why people would find that annoying, your problem is more complicated than Twitter.
5. Lose your obsession over who’s following and who isnt.
A long while back, I talked about the fallacy of tools like Qwitter (those that tell you who stopped following you). There are some different perspectives in the comments, but overall I don’t recommend you waste too much time and energy over that part. It’s just a follow. A click. Not some demonstration of your worth as a human being. Twitter also does a good job of automatically and misguidedly unfollowing people when they clean out spam and such, which means some unfollows are totally unintentional.
I never notice or pay attention to who unfollows me. I focus on participating in the community that wants to be there. If someone valuable goes away, I’ll notice and track them back down.
As for how many followers you have, remember these things. Twitter has a massive abandon rate, which means that many people will follow you and never return, never say a word, never see a thing you post. Twitter is also thick with spammers and auto-follow bots, so a good chunk of any of our follower counts are made up of complete garbage.
The numbers are inflated. They’re inaccurate. And while reach can be important depending on your goals for participation on Twitter, relevant reach is what matters, and that is only ever built with time and concerted participation.
6. Think farming.
Jay Baer wrote a good post about how social media is like farming. Twitter is very similar. The problem is that too few people have the patience to be farmers. Cultivating the seeds of relationships and trust takes time. And you can’t shortcut it; if you don’t sow the seeds at the beginning of the year and tend to them properly, you’ll have nothing to harvest at the end of the season.
And there’s no last-minute shortcut that will fix that. You can’t just throw $99 at it and buy a field of crops to harvest, much less one that will support a crop the following year. Try to treat Twitter followers like bargains on a WalMart shelf, and that’s exactly the quality of the network you’ll end up with.
7. Don’t namedrop.
You don’t need to fish the pools of the “popular” to get people to notice you. Calling out celebrities or the Twitterati to bait them into some kind of conversation or to look at your blog isn’t going to do you much good. Bragging about the recognizable people you know or talk to or just had coffee with can easily come off as very (very) thinly veiled self-importance. Be gracious. Be humble. Be real and genuine. Focus on making real connections with real people, no matter who they are.
It’s easy to tell the difference between someone who really has their head in the game and someone who’s just trying to get people to notice them. Really. We can tell.
8. Share stuff.
Some of my favorite followers on Twitter are people who mix up conversational updates and back-and-forth with others with links to great stuff. Sometimes it’s a thought-provoking blog post. Other times it’s an article, or a video, or something just to make me laugh.
Twitter is like this microlibrary of stuff wandering around for the finding. Share the stuff you find (in moderation). Being a resource to others is a great way to find common ground to talk about, kick around ideas, or open up new dialogue.
9. Have some personality.
The reason things like chat have always been so popular is because you can talk with real, live people over a computer. How cool is that? No crazy phone bills, you can talk to several people at once, and it’s fun to pick out the individual personalities, find the people who like the things you do, and talk away about everything from work to life to the movie you just saw and hated.
Twitter is just the new version of chat. We didn’t want people in our AOL chat rooms selling us their “Make Money Online” course, either. With exception, I’m sure, we don’t love them in our Twitter stream. We just want to talk and get to know one another. Open doors. Find affinities. It’s really pretty simple at its core, but man do we try to make it way too complicated.
In Conclusion…
I get asked all the time how I “got all my followers”. I didn’t set out to amass a pile of people, but I set out to build a diverse, active network. In that sense, my secrets are these:
- I did all the stuff above. Some I realized I was doing later.
- I’ve never in my life asked for a follow unless I wanted to DM someone and couldn’t. I’ve NEVER begged for followers to reach some kind of “milestone”. It doesn’t matter.
- I converse a lot, and I make it a point to be as responsive as I can. Look at my Twitter page, and you’ll see that the vast majority of my posts are replies to other people.
- I share my own posts about twice a day if I think they’re worth it. I share bunches of stuff from other people that I find interesting, informative, funny. But I’m not a link feed, either.
- I’ve been doing this for over two and a half years, nearly every day. I’m present. I participate.
- I try to be conversational, responsive, engaged, and polite. The same way I’d want people to be with me.
- I started with zero followers, too.
That’s just my method. It seems so simple and obvious to me, but maybe it’s not.
Remember: Twitter is just the medium. These same principles apply across many things, online and off. It all—always—comes down to your honest intent to build a network of people to talk to, to learn from, to share with. ALL of this depends on your desire to use Twitter that way, and not just to amass a collection of people that you can pimp your junk to. Twitter can be a gateway to a much more dimensional relationship with people, or it can just be a means to a rather disappointing end.
Whether you have the patience, time, and desire to invest in it is really up to you.