Netflix Streaming App Coming to iPad

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Stan Schroeder
@ Mashable

From day one, the iPad was not only a device for reading e-books and magazines, but also for enjoying video content – despite the fact that it doesn’t support the ubiquitous Flash. Now, Netflix is one of the first to fulfill this promise with a Netflix streaming app for the iPad.

Details are scarce, but a blurb that leaked today pretty much sums it up:

Get Netflix on your iPad. Just download this free app and you can instantly watch TV shows & movies streaming from Netflix.
• Watch as often as you want
• It’s part of your unlimited Netflix membership
• Resume watching where you left off on your TV or computer
• Browse movies and manage your Queue right from your iPad
Not a Netflix member? Join today and get a 2-week free trial.

A Hulu app for iPad is also on the way, rumors say. Together with Netflix, it will probably satisfy the TV/video streaming needs of most users, and as the actual launch date approaches, the last pieces of the iPad content puzzle are finally coming together.

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