The Ultimate Toolbox for iPhone Development

iPad iBookstore Gets 30,000 Free eBooks
March 25, 2010
Amazing New iPhone 4G in 2010,Release date…
March 26, 2010
iPad iBookstore Gets 30,000 Free eBooks
March 25, 2010
Amazing New iPhone 4G in 2010,Release date…
March 26, 2010

iPhone development can be intimidating, especially to someone who’s unfamiliar with Macs, or the way iPhone apps work.

But with currently more than 100,000 apps officially available from the App Store, it’s kind of hard for a developer to ignore the potential market the iPhone provides.

And there are apps for virtually anything you could think of, from games to productivity apps to horoscopes to news and more.

Below are 70 tools, tutorials, and resources to help you get started developing your own iPhone apps. There’s everything from basic tutorials to templates to resource libraries to help you on your way.


How to Get Started with iPhone Dev
A very thorough article on how to start developing your own iPhone apps.

Learn How to Develop for the iPhone
An excellent tutorial from Tuts+ that covers the development of websites specifically for the iPhone or iPod Touch.

First iPhone Application
This post from iPhone SDK offers an extensive overview of how to develop your first basic iPhone application.

How I Wrote an iPhone Application
This article gives a first-hand account of building an iPhone app, including the thought process behind development and some code snippets.

Cocoa Touch Tutorial: iPhone Application Example
This tutorial covers how to develop Cocoa iPhone apps using Interface Builder to quickly build your first application.

Sliding UITextFields Around to Avoid the Keyboard
This tutorial covers the basics of moving text fields around on an iPhone app so that they don’t interfere with the on-screen keyboard.

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